Displaying only preferred jobs

By default, the employee contact card displays all of the employee's qualified jobs (effective-dated based on the schedule view date), but you can configure the card to show only an employee's preferred job.

For example, floating staff in healthcare are often deployed to address areas of high labor demands. Due to the diverse qualifications across a hospital, these floater employees could carry tens of job qualifications, enabling them to work in different units. When making scheduling decisions, a line manager needs to understand the primary job qualifications of an employee. Any infrequently scheduled or one-off jobs could become irrelevant information to the line manager.

Note: To show an employee's preferred job, the employee card must be configured to show employee jobs. In addition, the employee must have a preferred job configured in their profile and their preferred job must be effective for the displayed schedule date range.
  1. In ASV, click the Turn ON config mode icon.
  2. Select the localization (orange diamond) icon beside the Employee heading (HC_EMPLOYEE_CARD).
  3. In the Field Parameters text box, set the showPreferredJobsOnly parameter to TRUE:

    If a parameter value is not set, the default is FALSE (all qualified jobs are displayed).

  4. Click Save and close the window.
  5. Click the Turn OFF config mode icon.
Only the employee's preferred job is displayed on the employee contact card.