Production plans
Production plans schedule the production of a product using a machine over a specific time range. This determines which production templates should be used to generate schedules. Production plans can add shifts to the schedule, or can cancel existing production plans to account for changes in production schedules. Production plans can be manually entered or can be imported from an external system. Existing production plans can be edited when they are in the PENDING status, which is the status applied to production plans when they are created.
See "Product Machine Plan Import" in the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.
The ProductionPlanShiftGeneration job scheduler task, when it runs, identifies all new production plans. The task generates schedules for any production templates that match the product and machine for each production plan. For the matching production templates, the task generates unassigned shifts in the associated shift templates. Unassigned shifts are generated when the shift times overlap, even partially, the start and end times of the production plan.
Before you can create production plans for a product and machine combination, at least one production template must exist for the combination. A validation prevents the creation of duplicate production plans that cover identical products, machines, and time ranges. It is important to note that production plans may partially overlap the time range of other production plans for the same product and machine combination. This causes duplicate shifts to be generated on the overlapping days, and care should be taken to avoid generating duplicate shifts that may be redundant to your operations.