Mapping shift detail flags to a short code displayed on the shift

You can map any of the shift detail flags (ASV_INLINE_ACT_FLAG_1..10 or SHIFTDTL_FLAG1..10) to a short code. When the configured flag is selected on a shift in the ASV, the short code is displayed on the shift. For example, the scheduler can use these short codes to indicate that a Registered Nurse is in-charge (Charge Nurse) for the day on a unit.

  1. Select Scheduling > Multi-view Scheduler > Advanced Settings > ES Data Definitions > ASV Shortcode Map.
  2. Click Edit next to the shift detail flag that you want to map to a short code.
  3. Specify this information:
    Short Code
    Specify a short code. The short code is case-sensitive and can be up to three characters.
    Optionally, select a priority from 1 to 10. When more than one short code is selected for a shift, the priority dictates the order in which the short codes are displayed.
  4. Click Save.