Adding an area
Areas can be created for each team as an additional subdivision of a team. A scheduler can create staffing requirement templates including areas and create schedules in Master Rotations/One Time Schedules including areas.
Areas can represent locations, sets of skills, groups of employees, or any other grouping options. Areas are logical groups within a unit that organize the way schedulers plan and assign their staff.
This feature contains adding maintenance forms to create areas for a team. It does not include using them anywhere in the system yet.
Same areas can be associated with multiple teams. Updating the name of an area impacts how that area is displayed in other teams, which might not be desired (unless all the teams agree to the new name).
As a best practice, to change an area name for team, make the old area for the team inactive, then create a new area with the new name, and associate it with the team. See Associating an area with a team.