Display labels
Display labels are used to identify shifts in the MVS scheduling screens. Display labels are short names, for example DAY or 9D8, that identify a specific configuration of a shift.
Display labels should identify attributes of the shift that can be understood by users creating the schedule and by employees that are assigned to the shift. For example, a label called “9D8” can represent a day shift (“D”) of 8 hours (“8”), starting at 9:00 AM (“9”). Display labels must be unique and are case sensitive. It is recommended to limit the length of display labels to six characters. Using shorter shift labels allows for more compact shift cells in the scheduling screens. This allows users to view larger schedules on a single screen without scrolling.
Each team in the system can use a display label to define one shift. The same display label can be used by other teams, who may define the shift with a different configuration. For example, team A can configure a shift using the DAY display label to represent a 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM shift. Team B can configure a DAY shift to represent a 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM shift.
For information on how to set up display labels, see Configuring a shift display label.