Defining the prompts for the survey

The Survey Prompt Setup form specifies the prompts that can be presented to the employee as part of this survey. After the first prompt is presented to the employee, subsequent prompts are based on the answer to the first prompt. You can add as many survey prompts as required. You can also edit and delete existing prompts, provided there are no integrity constraints being violated.

  1. Select Maintenance > Surveys > Survey Prompt Setup.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Survey Prompt Name
    Specify a unique name for the prompt.
    Survey Prompt Content
    Optionally, specify a description for the prompt.
    Select the survey from the lookup.
    Survey Prompt Order
    Specify the prompt order for the prompt. For the first prompt, specify 1.
    Note: A survey must have exactly one prompt with a prompt order of 1.
    Specify the token name that is appended to the clock data with the associated choice that was made by the employee.
    Note: A survey cannot have more than one prompt with the same token name.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the Survey Prompt Choice section, click the add new button to configure the possible answers to the prompt.
  6. Specify this information:
    Survey Prompt Choice Value
    Specify the value associated with the employee's response. For example, N. This value is appended to the clock data with the associated token name.
    Survey Prompt Choice Label
    Specify the label that is displayed on the button representing this choice. For example, No. Alternatively, if the label has been localized in the WORKBRAIN_MSG_LOCALE_DATA table, specify the corresponding message name in this field.
    Survey Prompt Choice Order
    Specify the order in which the prompt choice should be presented. For the first choice, specify 1.
  7. Repeat the previous two steps to add the remaining answers to the prompt. For example, Y.
  8. Click Save at the bottom of the Survey Prompt Choice form.
  9. In the Survey Prompt Data Localization section, specify the prompt to be presented to employees for each applicable locale.
    The prompt can contain HTML tags for formatting. For example:
    Do you have any of the following symptoms?<br/>
    &bull; Fever or chills<br/> 
    &bull; Cough<br/> 
    &bull; Shortness of breathing or difficulty breathing<br/> 
    &bull; Fatigue<br/> 
    &bull; Muscle or body aches<br/> 
    &bull; Headache<br/> 
    &bull; New loss of taste or smell<br/> 
    &bull; Sore throat<br/> 
    &bull; Congestion or runny nose<br/> 
    &bull; Nausea or vomiting<br/> 
    &bull; Diarrhea
  10. When finished, click Save at the bottom of the Survey Prompt Data Localization section.
  11. Repeat the previous steps to add more prompts to the survey.