Time Off Calendar and Approval
Custom plugins that implement validation warnings are not supported at this time.
By default, a legend is provided that explains the request statuses that can be found on the Time Off Calendar and approval pages.
The legend on the Time Off Calendar can be hidden using the FIELD_TIMEOFF_LEGEND element, which is found on the MOB_TIME_OFF_CALENDAR maintenance form. The legend on the Time Off Approval page can be hidden using the FIELD_TIMEOFF_APPROVAL_LEGEND element, which is found on the MOB_TIME_OFF_APPROVAL maintenance form.
You can localize both the "Legend" heading and the labels for the request statuses. To localize the "Legend" heading, modify the value of the MOB_TIMEOFF_LEGEND_HEADER message, which is found under the Mobility domain. To localize the labels for the request statuses, modify the values of the MOB_TOP* messages (for example, MOB_TOP_PENDING), which are found under the Mobility domain. See Modifying mobility messages.