Branding the logo on the login page
You can replace the default Infor logo that is displayed on the login page with an image of your corporate logo.
To replace the logo, set the /system/customer/customImages/MobilityLoginLogo.png registry parameter to any valid URL that links to the desired image.
For details, see "MobilityLoginLogo.png" in the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide.
Image guidelines
The maximum width of the image is 300px. The maximum height is 94px. Larger images will be automatically scaled down to fit within 300px x 94px, maintaining the aspect ratio.
For square images, the maximum size is 94px x 94px. For rectangular images, the maximum size is 300px x 94x.
To make the logo stand out over the application background, we recommend that you use an image with a transparent background. However, the color of the logo should not closely match the background color of the login page.