Displaying the time on the homepage
In some situations, the clock time that is registered when clocking using the Clock Status widget may not correspond to the clock on the actual device. To avoid possible confusion, the current time that is used for clocking is displayed on the navigation bar at the top of the homepage. By default, the time component is displayed, but it can be disabled using group security permissions.
When enabled, the time is displayed based on the value of the ETM_CLOCK_FACTOR_TIME_ZONE registry parameter. For example, when the ETM_CLOCK_FACTOR_TIME_ZONE registry parameter is set to false, the time zone of the server is used to display the time.
See "ETM_CLOCK_FACTOR_TIME_ZONE" in the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide.
The configuration of the current user's locale determines whether a 12-hour (HH:mm AM/PM) or 24-hour (HH:mm) clock is displayed. For example, if the System 24 Hour Time check box is disabled for the ENGLISH locale, a 12-hour clock is displayed when viewed by users in the ENGLISH locale.
See "Configuring key system settings in the Configure Locale page" in the Infor Workforce Management Internationalization Guide.
To view the time component on the homepage, users require View or Edit permission to the FIELD_NAVBAR_TIME element, which is found on the MOB_NAVBAR maintenance form.