Enabling the employee wellness check
You can enable the employee wellness check by adding one or more eligibility conditions.
- In the desktop application, select Maintenance > Surveys > Survey Setup.
- Click Edit next to the WELLNESS_CHECK survey.
- In the Survey Employee Eligibility Conditions section, click the new row icon to add an eligibility condition.
Specify this information:
- Survey Condition
- Select a survey condition from the lookup. For example, to present this survey only to employees belonging to specific calculation groups, select CALCGRP_NAME.
- Survey Condition Operator
- Select an operator for the survey condition from the lookup. Supported operators are EQ (equals), NE (not equals), IN (in), and NOTIN (not in).
- Survey Employee Eligibility Condition Value
- Specify the value for the survey condition. When using the IN or NOTIN operators, specify a list of values separated by commas. For example, HOURLY, MANAGEMENT.
- Optionally, repeat the previous two steps to add more eligibility conditions.
- Click Save at the bottom of the Survey Employee Eligibility Conditions form.