Copying and Pasting Locations and Drivers
You can use copy and paste functionality to transfer location or driver information to new places within the organization. For example, you may need to add a store that is very similar to an existing store. You can copy the existing store and paste the store into the relevant corporate entity.
We recommend that you create a template store that is configured for your organization. This template store can be used repeatedly to create new stores.
The Copy and Paste buttons are displayed in the Results sections when working with these entity types:
- Corporate entities (Only Paste button is available for use)
- Stores
- Departments (Only Copy button is available for use)
- Drivers (Only Copy button is available for use)
The Configuration Editor enforces that copy and paste functionality is only used in these ways:
- Copy store and paste into corporate entity
- Copy department and paste into store
- Copy driver and paste into store
- Copy driver information and paste into other drivers
When you copy a store, any contained departments, staffing requirements, drivers, distributions, and other details, are also copied. When you copy a department, any contained staffing requirements and distributions are also copied.