Searching with advanced search
- Select Scheduling > Schedule Optimization > Setup > Configuration Editor.
- Select the Advanced Search link to display the Advanced Search area.
Specify a name in the Location Name field, if needed.
You can use the percent sign (%) to perform a wildcard search. For example, if you type “Large%“, the search returns Large Store and Large Dept.
The percent sign is automatically added as a suffix to all searches. You can also use percent sign as a prefix to run sub-string matching.
Optionally, select a location type using the
Location Type lookup.
You can specify multiple values using a comma-separated list.
Optionally, type a property name in the Property field and type
the value for that property in the corresponding Value field.
You can enter multiple values in the Value field if you delimit the values using the | character. This character returns all values where one or the other values is true. For example, if you type “Frontend | Stockroom”, the search returns all locations with the location type Frontend, as well as all locations with the location type Stockroom.
Optionally, click the plus icon to add more Property and Value
fields, as necessary.
You can specify up to 10 property-value pairs in a single advanced search. To save commonly-used advanced searches as search sets, see Search Sets.
The entities that match the criteria you specified are displayed (with blue icons) in the location tree and in the Results section of the Details Pane.
When the search results in too many results matching the criteria, the tree displays matches that are unfiltered. In this case, matching criteria are displayed with blue icons and non-matching criteria are displayed with gray icons.