Creating a schedule

  1. Select Scheduling > Schedule Optimization > Schedule > Create A New Schedule.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of the new optimized schedule.
    Select the location for which you are creating a schedule using the lookup.
    Start Date
    Select the start date of the schedule using the lookup. The length of the schedule is defined in the profile, if you are using a profile, or below on this page, if you are creating a new schedule.
  3. Select the New Definition option to define a new schedule. If you define a new schedule, you must complete the remaining fields on this page.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify the length of the manual schedule. The default is 7 days.
    Staff Group
    Select the staff groups for which you are creating a manual schedule at this location using the lookup. You can specify up to five staff groups.
  5. Select the Include sublocations check box if necessary.
  6. In the Shift Times section, select the Have the System generate shift times using shift rules option to use the Schedule Optimizer to define the shift times based on shift rules that are defined for this location.
  7. In the Staffing Requirements section, do one of the following:
    • Select the Manually enter requirements option to define the staffing requirements for this shift manually.
    • Select the Load requirements minimum from location info option to use the staffing requirements that are defined for the location. Select this option to create a schedule based on the minimum staffing levels only.
    • Select the Calculate requirements from the forecast option to use the Schedule Optimizer to generate staffing requirements based on a forecast. Select this option to use the forecast and productivity standards in conjunction with minimums to create the schedule.
    • Select the Load existing requirements option to generate a schedule based on the location’s existing interval requirements. Before using this option, you must generate a workload (that is, a set of interval requirements) for the location.

      This option must be used if you want to generate optimized schedules based on the workload that is defined within the Workload by Day Part form.

  8. In the Staff Assignment section, select the Have the System assign staff option to use the Schedule Optimizer to assign staff.
  9. Click OK to create the schedule.