
Like teams, locations are hierarchical. The locations hold information about forecasting and scheduling rather than security. Locations can either be a physical location or a logical grouping within an organization. Each location requires a team, so the structure of these two hierarchies should be considered together.


Stores are usually a physical store location. The store is the level at which forecasts and schedules are created.

The store must have hours of operation defined for the labor forecasting process. Hours are usually entered and managed in a calendar view in the configuration editor. See Hours of operations.


Departments are within a store and are used for grouping employees on the schedule. A store may have one or many departments, depending on the size of the store and the way that you want to schedule your employees.

A tab within the department configuration allows entry of staff requirements. The staff requirements connect drivers and productivity standards with the details about the type of employee required to perform the work. Configuring the staff requirements can be done at a later time as some supporting data is required. See Staffing requirements.