Setting up a driver
- Select Scheduling > Schedule Optimization > Setup > Driver.
Create New Entry.
The Driver Setup page is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Driver Name
- Specify a name for the driver that is used for forecasting.
- Parent Location
- Select the parent location of the driver using the lookup. This parent location should always be the Store type location that was configured in the previous steps.
- Team
- Select the team corresponding to this driver using the lookup.
- Forecast Interval
- Select the forecast interval to use for the driver from the drop-down list. This interval specifies how time is allocated in forecasting, based on the level of detailed volume information available. For example, Point of Sale information captured every 30 minutes would drive a 30-minute interval.
- Volume Type
- Select the volume type that is applied to the driver using the lookup.
- Staffing Standard
- Select the staffing standard for the driver from the
drop-down list. The options are:
- None
- Productivity: When selected enter default distributions for each day of the week. This distribution is used in the forecast screens to spread the forecasted values.
- Service Level Target: Do not use. This staffing standard is not currently supported.
- Forecast Group
- Optionally, add the driver to a forecast group. A forecast group is a collection of drivers that allows you to tie the editing of these drivers to one master driver. For example, when you view and edit sales numbers, your units are edited to correspond with those sales edits in the background.
- Forecast Method
- Select the forecast method that is assigned to the driver from the drop-down list.
- Variable Staffing Calculation
- Select the variable staffing calculation method (volume per hour, volume per day, or average handling time) from the drop-down list.
- Sales based distribution
- Select this check box to indicate that the driver’s volumes represent sales numbers. This check box indicates which drivers to use when the system needs to display sales numbers for reference throughout the LFSO modules.
- Click Save.