Publishing modes
There are three types of publishing modes:
- Synchronous — Publishing occurs at the same time as other processes. In this mode, the schedules are published while you wait. A wait message is displayed until the schedules are published. Once completed, you can continue with other operations that were delayed by the publish operation.
- Asynchronous — Publishing occurs in a separate thread. In this mode, you can continue to work or close the session without interrupting the publishing operation.
- Batch — Publishing occurs using batch jobs in the Job Scheduler. In this mode, the unpublished schedules are published as a batch job. The publishing batch can be assigned a predetermined day, time, and frequency. See Scheduling the Publish Schedule Task.
Use the registry parameter PUBLISH_SCHEDULE_USE_THREAD to set the mode to Synchronous (False) or Asynchronous (True) mode. See Infor WFM Registry Parameter Reference Guide.