Schedule costing in LFSO
- Original Cost: The cost of the schedule in dollars, or the localized currency, at the time the schedule was generated.
- Original Hours: The cost of the schedule in hours at the time the schedule was generated.
- Current Cost: The cost of the schedule in dollars, or the localized currency, taking into account schedule edits performed after schedule generation.
- Current Hours: The cost of the schedule in hours, taking into account schedule edits performed after schedule generation.
The calculations for the cost fields can be configured, depending on the business needs, to provide the accurate cost of the schedule or to provide estimated costs based on hourly rates. The SO_PAY_RULE_BASED_SCHED_COST_CALC registry parameter determines the service that is used for the cost calculations.
When this registry parameter is set to false, the LFSO algorithm is used to calculate the displayed schedule cost. The LFSO algorithm provides an estimated cost of the schedule using hourly rates. The cost for each shift in the schedule that is assigned to hourly employees is calculated based on the Average Hourly Rate (AHR) for the job that the shift covers, when configured. Employee base rates are used if the AHR is not configured for the job covered by the shift. Activities in shifts are counted if they contribute to cost. Overtime is determined by the daily and weekly overtime threshold and the overtime multiplier.
The cost for salaried employees in the LFSO algorithm is based on the rates set in their employee profile. The base cost for salaried employees in the displayed schedule is equal to the employee's base rate multiplied by their minimum number of hours per schedule period. Overtime can be included for salaried employees that are not overtime exempt, with Exempt Status configured as Hourly.
When the SO_PAY_RULE_BASED_SCHED_COST_CALC registry parameter is set to true, the Time and Attendance algorithm is used to determine the cost of shifts. The cost of the shifts is determined using the base rate of the assigned employee. Costs are adjusted based on the pay rules configured for the employee's calculation group.
For more information on configuring calculation groups and pay rules, see the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.