Using the Historical Volume Replication Task

In crisis situations with store closures and significantly lower sales volume for many months, the Historical Volume Replication Task can be used to replicate the historical sales volume (SO_RESULTS_DETAIL table) of drivers from one period to another to aid in forecast creation. This task includes a multiplier that allows you to adjust the original data and you can also select sub-locations of the location selected.

This task is multi-threaded and database operations can be batched. These operations can be configured using these registry parameters. See the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide for more information.

  • /system/modules/scheduleOptimization/INSERT_UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE

You can create and schedule this task in the Job Scheduler. For more information on how to do this, see Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

After you have created and scheduled this task, you can set the parameters for the task:

  1. Locate your Historical Volume Replication task in the list of tasks on the Task Schedules page in the Job Scheduler.
  2. Select Parameters. The Historical Volume Replication Task Settings page is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the store. This field is required.
    Volume Type
    Specifies the volume types to be replicated. The default value is ALL. This field is required.
    Specify the amount by which to multiply all replicated data. This field is optional and the default is 1.0.
    History Range Start Date
    Specify a start date. This field is required.
    Target Range Start Date
    Specify a target range start date. This field is required.
    Range Value – Number of Days
    Specifies the number of days in the range. This number cannot be negative and nothing happens if this number is zero. This field is required.
    Overwrite Existing Volume
    Specifies whether the existing volume is to be overwritten. If there is existing data in the target range and this check box is not selected, the replication would not be performed. If this check box is selected, the replication would be performed and will invalidate the existing data in the target range. This field is optional.
    Include Archived Data
    Specifies whether archive data can be replicated when no record exists for the same interval in the regular data. If this check box is selected, data in the target range that is stored in archive data can be replicated. If there is a record for the interval in both the regular data and the archive data, the record from the regular data is replicated. When this check box is not selected, archive data is not used in the replication process. This field is optional.
    Workmail Notification
    Select users to be notified via Workmail when the task is completed. The Job Scheduler log will also log all information about completion of the task.
  4. Click Submit to save your parameters. Your task will run at the time and location that you specified.