
If any distribution method other than Flat or Best Fit is desired, distributions must be created within the system. For details on the configuration options for distributions, see Distributions.

Setting up distributions

A distribution divides a location’s volume among time intervals to create a traffic pattern. Distributions are based on a volume indicator, such as revenue, and are expressed as a percentage of the daily total during time intervals that you define. Distributions are used with forecasts to anticipate future staffing requirements.

For example, if an organization uses revenue as a volume indicator and an hourly interval, the distribution would represent the revenue that is generated throughout the day at hourly intervals per store location. For example, the organization could report that the stores earn 20 percent of their revenue between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Schedulers use this distribution of volume to determine when more or less staff are required.

By default, there are two distributions created in the system:

  • Best Fit shifts are created by combining the location start and end times with a specific employee’s availability. Shifts are created in the earliest possible slots that fit within those constraints. This option can be used for non-volume staffing requirements only.
  • Flat shifts are distributed evenly, with every interval holding the same volume amount.