Configuring enhanced rounding rules

Customers who use rounding rules can configure them to define different rounding methods for different ranges of the workload (decimal calculated value), thus providing greater flexibility for determining the number of employees needed to cover a workload. This configuration enables the system to better adapt to differing scenarios and business needs.

Important: Enhanced rounding rules as described in this section refer to a feature that became available in 2024. On-premises customers who created customized rules by configuring the registry setting STAFF_ROUNDING_CLASS might be required to disable the parameter to use the enhanced rounding rules described in this section. More information is in another section of the on-premises documentation set.. Customized rounding rules created through STAFF_ROUNDING_CLASS

  1. Navigate to Scheduling > Schedule Optimization > Schedule Optimization > Setup > Staff Rounding Rules.
  2. To create a new rule, select Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Rule Name
    Provide a unique name for the rule.
    Rule Description
    Optionally, provide a description of the rule.
    Select an existing location for which this rule should be applied.
    Max Productivity per Staff
    Provide a number that determines a percent of workload that an employee can take on before more resources are needed. For example, if you configure "120" here, it means that staff can handle up to 20% more than their normal workload.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Configure rounding rule details for the new step. The steps provide brief descriptions of the options. Detailed descriptions are in another section.
    1. For Sfrdmeth ID, select a rounding method:
      • MATHEMATICAL ROUNDING: The decimal value will be rounded up if the decimal is above 0.5, and rounded down if the decimal is below 0.5.
      • MAX PRODUCTIVITY ROUNDING: If the decimal value is within the specified range, it will be divided by the productivity standard to determine the number of employees needed.
      • ROUND DOWN: If the workload (decimal value) is within the specified range for this rounding method, it will be rounded down to the closest integer.
      • ROUND UP: If the decimal value is within the specified range, it is rounded up to the closest integer.

      If none of these options are selected, Standard Rounding is used. In Standard Rounding, if the decimal value is within the specified range, it is rounded to the closest integer to the standard productivity rule.

    2. Provide the From Volume and To Volume for the rounding method. From Volume is the low boundary, or minimum value for rounding to take effect. To Volume is the high boundary, or maximum value for rounding to take effect.
    3. Specify a Sort Order for the rounding method. If only one method is to be used, specify "1." If multiple rounding methods are used, specify the appropriate value for each rounding method with "1" being the highest order, "2" the second highest order and so on.
    4. If multiple rounding methods are to be used, repeat sub-steps a-c for each one.
  6. Click Save.