Setting up parameters for an aggregate task

  1. On the Task Schedules page, select the Labor Productivity Aggregate task schedule you created.
  2. Click Parameters.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the team in which to run the report. You can also click the database lookup and select multiple teams from the list.
    Apply To Sub Teams
    Select or clear the check box if applicable.
    Select whether Relative or Absolute. The Relative option, which is selected by default, checks the offset days. For example, if the start date offset is 14 and the end date is 0, it will gather data from the last 14 days. The Absolute option is recommended if you want the task to run at a specific time range.
    Start Date Offset (days before today)
    Specify a start date offset for the Relative option. The recommended value is between 14 or 30.
    End Date Offset (days before today)
    Specify 0 as the end date offset for the Relative option.
    Start Date
    Specify a start date for the Absolute option or click the calendar icon and select a date.
    End Date
    Specify a start date for the Absolute option or click the calendar icon and select a date.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click Ok.