Creating a new threshold group

  1. From the homepage, select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Productivity Reporting Setup > Threshold Setup > Threshold Group.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Threshold Group Name
    Specify the name of the threshold group.
    Threshold Group Description
    Provide a description for the threshold group.
    Select the check box to enable the threshold group..
    Threshold Violation Trigger Count
    Specify the number of thresholds that are required to initiate the variance response.
    Effective Start Date
    Specify a start date or click the calendar icon to select the start date for the threshold.
    Effective End Date
    Specify an end date or click the calendar icon to select the end date for the threshold.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To add thresholds to a group, click Add row.
  6. Click Save.
    You must add multiple thresholds to the group. A variance response is initiated once the number of thresholds that are violated exceeds the number of violations set on the trigger count.