
Infor WFM includes database and application content. Internationalization is the process of localizing the database tables and the application data. Localization refers to field and message label customization, which usually includes translated material.

The WFM internationalization process encompasses all localization components, such as installing language packs, using the config mode, translations, assigning users to locales, and system administration.

The process of internationalization involves:

  1. Installing language packs.
  2. Viewing translated materials.
  3. Localizing elements such as alert and error messages, date formats, and number and currency UIs.

WFM uses views to access and gather internationalized content from the database. Views (a set of query results that resemble an actual table) offer security and better performance for information retrieval. The difference between a view and a table is that the column and row contents are populated each time the view is opened by extracting and combining the desired information from one or more existing tables. The tables in the Tables Available for Data Localization section with the prefix VL (View Localization) are database views.

When internationalization is not activated, the application looks for the default language (English) using views instead of the core tables. When internationalization is activated, the application looks for the installed languages (such as Spanish) using views instead of the core tables. Activating internationalization does not change the SQL queries that are used by the views. Instead, activation changes the definition of the views to include all of the new languages that are installed.

Note: Localizations/translations are only released with every major release such as 6.2.1 or 6.2.2. Maintenance/patch releases only include the localizations from the previous base version release and DO NOT include any localization updates. If you are missing a translation and want to make an update, you can use config mode in the WFM application to make the change in your instance or wait for the localization update in the next full release.

These components of internationalization are available:

  • Supported languages
  • Language packs
  • Config mode
  • System administration