Tables available for data localization

This section lists the tables that are available for data localization activation and provides a brief description of each table. The Recommend Activation column recommends whether to activate that table for data localization.

We recommend that you use Do Not Activate for tables that may contain thousands of entries, where activating them would significantly reduce performance for a negligible localization gain. For example, because employee names are displayed as entered, translation is not required for the VL_EMPLOYEE view.

View Name Description Recommend Activation
VL_AC_EVENT Use to localize the names of attendance control events. Optional
VL_AC_PERIOD_TYPE Use to localize the names and descriptions of time periods (for example, rolling year and calendar year). These time periods are used to define attendance control policies. Optional
VL_AC_VIOLATION Use to localize the names and descriptions of violations. For example, use this view to enable localization for strings such as "3 UNEXC. ABSENCES" / "3 Unexcused absences within a calendar year". Optional
VL_AMX_OVR_CODE Use to localize the availability codes (for example, AV and UA) that are used in the Availability Calendar page. Optional
VL_BALANCE Use to localize the names and descriptions of balances. The names are displayed in many places in the WFM application including the employee override form, balance report, and the employee launch pad. Optional
VL_BALANCE_TYPE Use to localize the balance types in the application, such as DAYS or HOURS. These values are shown next to balance values throughout the application. Optional
VL_BID_PERIOD Use to localize the names and descriptions of employees for schedule bidding. These values are shown in the Details section of the Create/Manage Schedule Bid page. Optional
VL_BUSINESS_OBJECT Use to localize the names and descriptions of various forms that are used in workflow interactions (for example, Schedule Approval Form, Shift Trade, and Forecast Wage Cost Report). Optional
VL_BUSINESS_OBJECT_STATUS Use to localize the status of a business object (for example, PENDING, REJECTED, and CANCELLED). These values are shown on the submitted business object (that is, a form) in the user's Workmail inbox to indicate the status of the request. Optional
VL_BUSINESS_OBJECT_TYPE Use to localize the business object type names and definitions (for example, a form definition that is used in an interaction workflow, such as the Vacation Request form). With this view, you can localize the type name and description. Optional
VL_CALC_GROUP Use to localize the name and description of calculation groups, which are a set of business rules to determine how an employee is paid. The calculation group name is shown in various locations in the application such as the Timesheet, the Employee page, and Employee Detail page. The name is also shown in the Quick Rule Editor when creating rules. Optional
VL_CALC_GROUP_RATE Use to localize the details pertaining to a calculation group (for example, rate type, shift names, time code names, and hour type names). These values are used in the Quick Rule Editor where rules are created and grouped together to form a calculation group. Optional
VL_CLOCK_DATA_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of clock data types. These values are shown in the CLKTRANTYPE Data Localization section of the Clock Transaction Types Detail page. Optional
VL_CLOCK_TRAN_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of clock transaction types (for example, on, off, job, docket, and time code). These values are shown in the Clock Transactions Types page under Labor Metrics. Optional
VL_COGNOS_MAPPING Use to localize the name and description of Cognos reports that are linked to the WFM system. Optional
VL_COLOUR Use to localize the name and description of a color. These values are shown in the System Administration section They are also shown when customizing schedules (for example, assigning colors to time codes so that different activities can be distinguished on the schedule). Optional
VL_DASHBOARD_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of a dashboard. The dashboard name is displayed on the menu bar on the main WFM page. Optional
VL_DATE_SELECTION Use to localize the name and description of the date selection field (for example, CURRENT PAY PERIOD and LAST PAY PERIOD). These values are shown in a menu on the Employee Timesheet page. Optional
VL_DAY_PART Use to localize the name and description of day parts (for example, MORNING OPEN - 11:00). These values are shown in scheduling pages to show various metrics (staffing requirements, scheduled employees, etc.) for different parts of the day. These values are also used in some Launch Pads for the same reason. Optional
VL_DAY_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of day types (for example, ALL DAYS, WORK DAY, and WEEKDAYS). These values are shown when defining a shift rule for staff groups as a shift rule is applicable to certain parts of a day. Optional
VL_DEPARTMENT Use to localize the name and description of departments. These values are displayed in the Schedule page of the WFM application and the Employee Labor Allocation page. Optional
VL_DOCKET Use to localize the name, description, flags, and user-defined fields of a docket. These values are shown in the Employee Labor Allocation page and are used to measure employee production quality (for example, machine parts and part numbers). Optional
VL_EMP_UDF_DEF Use to localize the name and description for an employee user-defined field. These user-defined fields are displayed in the Employee Detail page. Optional
VL_EMPLOYEE Use to localize the name, status, and retail availability of an employee. These values are shown in various locations in the application such as the Employee Detail page, timesheet, and schedule. Do Not Activate
VL_ES_ROTATION_STATUS Use to localize the statuses of Master Rotations (MRs) and One-time Schedules (OTSs). These values are shown in the MR and OTS edit screens and maintenance forms. Optional
VL_ES_SHIFT Use to localize the description of shift configurations. These values are shown on the Shift Configuration page. Optional
VL_ES_SHIFT_DISP_LABEL Use to localize the description of preconfigured shift labels for shift configurations. These values are shown on the Shift Configuration page. Optional
VL_FORM Use to localize the name and description of WFM forms. These values are shown in the Forms and My Forms pages of the WFM application. Optional
VL_FORM_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of an interaction form type (for example, EXPENSE, HEALTH, and LEAVE REQUESTS). These values are shown in a menu in the Batch Approvals section in Workmail. Optional
VL_HOLIDAY Use to localize the name, description, flags, and user-defined fields for a holiday (for example, CHRISTMAS DAY and NEW YEARS DAY 2008). These values are shown in the Holiday Assignment page (where holidays are assigned to employees) or in the WFM Parameters page. Optional
VL_HOLIDAY_CALENDAR Use to localize the name, description, user-defined fields, flags, and calculation group names for a holiday calendar (for example, GROUP A HOLIDAYS and GROUP B HOLIDAYS), which is a group of holidays for which an employee is eligible. These values are shown in the WFM Parameters page or the Holiday Assignment page. Optional
VL_HOUR_SET Use to localize the name and description for an hour set. These values are shown in the Schedule Optimization page when defining the hours of operation. Optional
VL_HOUR_TYPE Use to localize the name and description for a hour type (for example, UNPAID, REG, and OT1). Hour types are displayed in the Code Summary table on the employee timesheet to indicate the total number of hours worked per time code and work code. They are also shown on the Employee Labor Allocation page. Optional
VL_JOB Use to localize the name and description of jobs. Jobs are displayed in the Employee Detail page in the WFM application and in the Schedules, Employee Labor Allocation, Staffing Requirements, and Shift Assignment pages. Optional
VL_JP_JOB_POSTING Use to localize the name and description for a job posting. Optional
VL_LABOR_METRIC_SEC Use to localize the name and description for labor metric security (for example, STANDARD DATA and RESTRICTED DATA). These values are shown on the Labor Metrics page. Optional
VL_MACHINE Use to localize the name and description of machines. These values are shown on the Production Plans page and the Production Template page. Optional
VL_MAINTENANCE_FORM Use to localize the name and description of a maintenance form. These values are used in the Maintenance Form page. Recommended
VL_MAINTENANCE_FORM_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of a maintenance form type (for example, HIDDEN NEVER SHOW, FOLDER, and MAINTENANCE). These values are used in the Maintenance Form Type window. Optional
VL_MESSAGE_FOLDER Use to localize the name and description of a message folder (for example, INBOX, DRAFT, and Reports). These values are used in the user's Workmail inbox where users can move or browse messages in various folders. Optional
VL_MESSAGE_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of a message type (for example, Interaction Reply and Mail). These values are used in the user's Workmail inbox. Optional
VL_OVERRIDE_TYPE Use to localize the name of an override type. These values are used in the employee timesheet and schedule to classify manual changes if the "Show Applied Overrides" option is selected. Optional
VL_OVR_DEF_SETTING Override Default Settings. Use to localize the default data (for example, job, project, department, and docket) for an override (for example, Vacation Week, Sick Week, and Training Week) that can be applied to an employee. Optional
VL_PARAM_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of parameter types (for example, NUMBER, DATE, and STRING). These values are used in the form localization pages when users customize forms they have created by indicating the parameter type for each input field. Optional
VL_PAY_GROUP Use to localize the name and description of a pay group. The values are shown in the timesheet and Employee Detail page. Optional
VL_PAY_GROUP_CALENDAR Use to localize the name and description of a pay group calendar, which specifies the cutoff start and end dates for multiple payroll groups. These values are shown in the Payroll Group page. Optional
VL_PAY_GROUP_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of a pay group type (for example, WEEKLY and BI-WEEKLY). These values are shown in the Payroll Group page, which is a group of employees with the same pay rules. Optional
VL_PRODUCT Use to localize the name and description of a product. These values are shown in the Product page under Labor Metrics. Labor metrics are required for the analysis and reporting of labor distributions. Optional
VL_PROJECT Use to localize the name and description of a project. The value is shown in the Employee Labor Allocation section of the Employee Overrides page and in Labor Metrics. Optional
VL_QUANTITY_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of a quantity type (for example, GOOD, REJECT, and OUT). These values are shown in the Quantity Type page under Labor Metrics. Optional
VL_READER_STATUS Use to localize the name and description of the clock reader status (for example, OFF-LINE and ON-LINE). These values are shown in the Readers page. Optional
VL_ROLL_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of roll types (for example, LAST SCHEDULED DAY and BACK 3). Rolls are defined for specific shift patterns and calculation groups to specify the actual day when a holiday is observed. Optional
VL_SB_SCHD_BID Use to localize the name and description of schedule bids. These values are shown in the Create/Manage Schedule Bid page. Optional
VL_SC_CONSTRAINT Use to localize the name and description of schedule constraints (for example, CANNOT CLOCK > 15 MINUTES BEFORE SHIFT). These values are shown in the pages that are used to create a schedule. Optional
VL_SC_SCHOOL Use to localize the name and description of schools. This value is shown in the Employee Detail page to indicate the schools the employee has attended. The value is also shown in the Schools page under Schedule Compliance. Optional
VL_SCHEDULE_TYPE Use to localize the name of schedule types (for example, DAILY and YEARLY). Values are shown in the Job Scheduler to indicate the scheduling frequency. Optional
VL_SHIFT Use to localize the name and description of shifts (for example, RETAIL WEEKDAY and RETAIL WEEKEND). These values are shown in the Shifts page under Schedule Settings and are used to configure a schedule. Optional
VL_SHIFT_GROUP Use to localize the name and description of shift groups (for example, DAY SHIFT) . Optional
VL_SHIFT_PATTERN Use to localize the name and description of shift patterns. The shift pattern name is shown in the Employee Detail page and determines how work hours are scheduled for the employee. Optional
VL_SHIFT_PREMIUM_ZONE Use to localize the name and description of shift premium zones, which specify a time period during which an employee is eligible for the shift premium. These values are shown in the Employee Shift Premium Zone page in Schedule Settings. Optional
VL_SO_ACTIVITY Use to localize the names of paid or unpaid schedule activities. For example, meeting or lunch break. These values are specified on the Activities Detail page. Optional
VL_SO_CLIENT_STFDEF Use to localize staffing requirements, which determine what is required for employees to be scheduled shifts at the location. For example, required jobs, skills, required skill levels, and activities. These values are specified on the Manage Location Setup - Staffing Requirements page. Optional
VL_SO_CLIENT_TYPE Use to localize the names of locations. Locations are entities within an organization's hierarchy that can have a physical location or a placeholder. For example, Retail Branch #35 is an entity that has an actual physical location. The Northeast Division is an entity that is a placeholder. The Division has a regional grouping with several branches, but no specific physical location. These values are specified on the Manage Location Setup - Location General Setup page. Optional
VL_SO_DISTRIBUTION Use to localize the names of distributions, which divide a location's volume among time intervals to create a traffic pattern. For example, best fit or flat. These values are specified on the Add Distribution page. Optional
VL_SO_EMPLOYEE_GROUP Use to localize the names of staff groups, which organize employees into logical teams for assignment and scheduling. These values are specified on the Staff Group Detail page. Optional
VL_SO_EVENT_DETAIL Use to localize the names of events, which are used to add special events to employees' schedules. For example, styling the window mannequins for a change of season. Events occur only at department level. These values are specified on the Schedule an Event page. Optional
VL_SO_EVENT_TYPE Use to localize the names of event types, which are templates defined for a location that are used to create events. An example of an event is a monthly meeting. These values are specified on the Event Type Detail page. Optional
VL_SO_FCAST_SPEC_DAY Use to localize the names of special days, which indicate days that are expected to have abnormal distribution on the schedule and that require special handling of forecast information. For example, a sale day or a public holiday. These values are specified on the Add/Edit Special Days pages. Optional
VL_SO_FCAST_GROUP Use to localize the names of forecast groups, which are used during scheduling to aggregate forecast data of the same volume type, associated within a location. These values are specified on the Forecast Group Detail page. Optional
VL_SO_HOURS_OF_OPERATION Use to localize (sets of) hours of operation, which specify a location's opening and closing times for each day of the week. These values are specified for specific teams on the Hours of Operations page. Optional
VL_SO_INTERVAL_TYPE Use to localize the interval, which specifies the time chunks that are used when evaluating distribution. The only available intervals are 15, 30, and 60 minutes. These values are specified on the Add Distribution page. Optional
VL_SO_LOCATION_PROP Use to localize the names of location properties. This table defines aspects of the location such as whether schedule assignments are checked when processing a time-off request or whether the table volume is a subset of the table's parent volume. These values are specified on the Manage Location Setup - Location Properties page. Optional
VL_SO_PROPERTY Use to localize the names of properties, which are specified as necessary for a location. These values are specified on the Location Property Details page. Optional
VL_SO_RULE Use to localize the text for schedule rules, which determine staff assignments in a schedule. These values are specified on the Manage Schedule Rules - Staffing Rules page. Optional
VL_SO_RULE_GROUP Use to localize the names of rule groups, a set of shift, break, and staffing rules that are applied to staff groups to determine the staff assignments on a schedule. These values are specified on the Manage Schedule Rules - General page. Optional
VL_SO_RULE_GRP_TYPE Use to localize the names of rule group types (for example, normal or minor). These values are specified on the Manage Schedule Rules - General page. Optional
VL_SO_RULE_PARM_VALUE Use to localize the text value options for schedule rules. For example, when you select a rule, you may need to specify an option from a menu within the rule. These option values are specified on the Manage Schedule Rules - Staffing Rules page. Optional
VL_SO_RULE_TYPE Use to localize the names of rule types, which specifies the category to which a particular rule belongs. For example, Preference or Constraint. These values are displayed on the Manage Schedule Rules - Staffing Rules page. Optional
VL_SO_SCHEDULE_GROUP This table is not available for localization. N/A
VL_SO_SCHEDULE_PROF Use to localize the names of schedule profiles, which is a template for creating schedules that details location, schedule length, shift times, staff assignments, and staffing requirements. These values are specified on the Schedule Profile Detail page. Optional
VL_SO_STFRND_RULES Use to localize the names of rounding rules, which define rounding that differs from the conventional. These values are specified on the Staff Rounding Rules Detail page. Optional
VL_SO_TA_GROUP Use to localize the names of team admin groups, which group teams that must be managed together. These values are specified on the Team Admin Detail page. Optional
VL_SO_TASK_LIST_TMPLT Use to localize the names of task templates, which associate tasks with activities and are used to assign employees to tasks. For example, an activity called Cleaning might be broken down into more specific tasks, such as sweeping and dusting. Optional
VL_SO_TASK_TYPE Use to localize the names of task lists, which are used to assign employees to tasks and schedules on a day-to-day basis using the Intraday. Optional
VL_SO_VOLUME_TYPE Use to localize the names of volume types, which determine how busy a location is at any given time. For example, revenue or units sold. These values are specified on the Volume Type Detail page. Optional
VL_ST_COURSE Use to localize the name and description of courses. These values are shown in the Skills Detail section in the Employee Skills page under Skill Course. Optional
VL_ST_COURSE_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of a course type. These values are shown in the Employee Skills page. Optional
VL_ST_INSTRUCTOR Use to localize the name and description of an instructor for a course. This value is shown in a course registration form that is completed by the user and is approved by a supervisor through Workmail. Optional
VL_ST_LOCATION Use to localize the name and description of a course location. This value is shown in a course registration form that is completed by the user and approved by a supervisor. Optional
VL_ST_SKILL Use to localize the name and description of skills (for example, PRODUCT TESTING and PRICE CHECKING). Skills are shown in the Employee Settings Detail page and are used to schedule employees to ensure that the skills required for a specific schedule are satisfied. Optional
VL_ST_SKILL_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of skill types (for example, GENERAL SKILLS and DRIVING SKILLS) that are shown in the Employee Skills page. Optional
VL_TIME_CODE Use to localize the name and description of time codes (for example, WRK and ABS). Time codes are shown in the Daily Timesheet and represent an employee's activity. Recommended
VL_TIME_CODE_BALANCE_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of time code balance types (for example, INCREMENT MINUTES and DECREMENT HOURS). These values are shown in the Time Code Balance section of the Time Codes page and determine how an employee's balance must be changed when a time code occurs. Optional
VL_TIME_CODE_PARAMETER Use to localize the name and description of time code parameters. These values are shown in the Time Code Parameters page and enable certain time codes to be flagged for specific processing or reporting. Optional
VL_TIMESHEET_FILTER Use to localize the name and description of time sheet filters. These values are shown as options on the Daily Timesheet to let the user filter on specific records to view. Optional
VL_TIMESHEET_ORDER Use to localize the name and description of the timesheet ordering (for example, EMPLOYEE LAST NAME). These values are shown in a menu on the Daily Timesheet to let the user select how the output records should be ordered. Optional
VL_WB_CUSTOM_LOOKUP_DATA Use to localize data records for customer-defined data lookups. Optional
VL_WB_CUSTOM_LOOKUP_DATA_TYPE Use to localize customer-defined data lookup types. Optional
VL_WB_USER_DELEGATE_TYPE Use to localize the name and description for alternate users (for example, DELEGATE and PROXY). These values are shown in the Users Who Can Become Me page (from the Proxy & Delegates section of Maintenance) and indicate how a user of the application can act as another user. Optional
VL_WORKBRAIN_GROUP Use to localize the name and description of a WFM group (also known as a security group). For example, SYSTEM ADMINS and SUPERVISORS. These values are shown in the Security Group page and the Maintenance Form Details page. Optional
VL_WORKBRAIN_LANGUAGE Use to localize the names of languages (for example, English, French, and Spanish) that are used in the WFM application. These values are shown in the Language page under System Administration. Optional
VL_WORKBRAIN_LOCALE Use to localize the names of locales (for example, ENGLISH and ESPANOL). These values show up in a menu on the Form Localization page to let the user specify the locale in which field captions can be displayed. Optional
VL_WORKBRAIN_PERMISSION Use to localize the name of permissions that are available in the WFM application. These values are shown in the Maintenance Form page to let a user specify the permissions a WFM group has for the form. Optional
VL_WORKBRAIN_ROLE Use to localize the name and description of a WFM role (for example, GENERAL ACCESS and SUPERVISOR). The WFM Role field is defined in the WFM_ROLE table and the matching role ID is extracted when importing teams from a CSV file into the WFM application. Optional
VL_WORKBRAIN_TEAM Use to localize the name and description of a WFM team, which represents a group of employees that have the same security level. The WFM team is shown in the Employee Detail page. Do Not Activate
VL_WORKBRAIN_TEAM_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of team types (for example, DEPARTMENT, CREWS, and STORE). These values are shown in a menu on the Team Detail page and represent a collection of employees in a specific category. Optional
VL_WORKFLOW_FLOW Use to localize the name and description for a workflow. These values are shown in the Forms page in the WFM application. Optional
VR_CONTENT Use to localize the name and description of ETM content tabs that are available to the user (for example, Timesheet, Vacation Request, My Forms, and Shift Trades).
Note: ETM is not supported in multi-tenant deployments of WFM.
WB_ALERT Use to localize alerts that are used in the application (for example, Not Clocked in Alert, which sends an alert for employees who have not clocked in). Optional
WB_ARCHIVE_POLICY Use to localize the name and description of archiving policy definitions. Optional
WBINT_MAPPING Use to localize the name and description of mapping definitions that are used during export processing (for example, Default Security Group Mapping and SO Actual Pay Cost Table Import). Optional
WBINT_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of interface types that are used during export processing (for example, HR Export and SO Actual Pay Cost Table Import). Optional
WORKBRAIN_MSG_TYPE Use to localize the name and description of message types in the application (for example, System Message). Optional
WORKBRAIN_PREFERENCES Use the localize the name and description of application preferences for the user (for example, Starting Page JSP and First Page that User sees when Logging into the Application). Optional