SQL Query Export logic
The SQL Query Export Interface does not use the export staging table to export Workforce Management application data. The data from the tables, obtained through the SQL query, are directly written to the text file that is indicated in the task parameters.
Definition file
For the SQL Query Export Interface to write to a fixed width text file, a definition file must be specified to determine what columns are exported and the indices of the position of the columns in the data file. You must create a definition file for every fixed width SQL query export you perform.
The format of the definition file for the Export Task (Fixed Width Query) task is as follows:
field_name, start_col_index, end_col_index, optional_description
Each line must be composed of at least three tokens delimited by comma, where:
- field_name
- The first token must be the field name of the table column to export (or the mapping name, if your SQL has mapping directives).
- start_col_index
- The second token determines the starting index of the field name column.
- end_col_index
- The third token determines the ending index of the field name column.
- optional_description
- The last token is optional and is typically used for user descriptions. This token is not used by the processor.
For example:
htype_name, 1,40, htype_name
htype_id, 41,50
htpe_desc, 51, 80
For this definition file, the SQL Query Export outputs a fixed width file with three columns.