Setting up Shift Pattern Imports

To set up a Shift Pattern Import:

  1. Create the CSV text file.

    You must create the Shift Pattern Import CSV file according to the field specification listed in Shift Pattern Import Interface field specification.

  2. Specify this information to create a scheduled task in the Job Scheduler:
    Task Type
    Import Task
    Import Task Parameters: Interface Type
    Import Task Parameters: Transformer Class Name
    Select the Use Default Transformer check box unless using a custom transformer class or a transformer script.
  3. Specify this information to create a scheduled task in the Job Scheduler:
    Task Type
    Interface Task
    Interface Task Parameters: Interface Type


    Shift Pattern Import Parameters: Creates Employee Overrides
    Select this option to create employee overrides (override type 700) for the specified employee (Emp_Name) with the specified date range (from Ovr_Start_Date to Ovr_End_Date). The WBU_Name that is created for the employee override is Shift Pattern Interface.