SO Results Detail Enhanced Import Interface field specification

This table lists the field-column specifications of the SO Results Detail Enhanced Import Interface. Fields with the asterisk symbol (*) are required.
Col. Field Name Type Size/Format Description
1 SKDGRP_NAME String 40 The ID of the driver that the POS data is collected under.
2 RESDET_DATE String MM-dd-yyyy The date of the interval.
3 RESDET_TIME String 00:00:00 The start time of the interval.
4 RESDET_VOLUME Number The total volume recorded during the interval.
5 INVTYP_ID Integer The ID of one of these interval types, which indicate how frequently the data is collected:
  • 1: 15-minute interval
  • 2: 30-minute interval
  • 3: 60-minute interval
  • 4: 24-hour interval
  • 5: 7-day interval

This is the input value for INVTYP_ID:

  • If INPUT_INVTYP_ID is equal to INVTYP_ID, then ResdetTime is RESDET_DATE + RESDET_TIME.
  • If it is not equal to INVTYP_ID:
    • If INVTYP_ID is 1, ResdetTime is RESDET_DATE + "00:00".
    • If INVTYP_ID is 2, ResdetTime is RESDET_DATE + RESDET_TIME and then rounded to an hour.
    • If INVTYP_ID is 3, ResdetTime is RESDET_DATE + RESDET_TIME, and then rounded to a half hour.
    • Otherwise, ResdetTime is RESDET_DATE + RESDET_TIME and then rounded to a quarter hour.
7 VOLTYP Integer This column is blank for drivers.
8 OLD_SKDGRP_NAME String 40 This is an optional field.