Viewing the document status

After the file is sent, the document is stored for later processing.

Use the steps to view the status of your document.

  1. In WFM, select Maintenance > System Administration > ION > BOD Auditing > IMS Inbound Document Status.
  2. Use the search filters to locate the document.
  3. View the status for the document:
    Note: After the IMS File Processing Task has run, this field displays the outcome of the task.
    Content stored in file service.
    Document stored with name <filename> for processing.
    UTC Process Date
    The process date is null.
    Note: After the IMS File Processing Task has run, this field displays the time the file was processed.
    UTC Receive Date
    The date the document was stored.
If you do not want to process this document, you can manually reject it.

Under Inbound Document Actions, select Reject Manually from the Action drop-down field.

For additional information, see "BOD Auditing" and the steps in "Editing and reprocessing BODs" in the Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS.