Sample data file
This text is an example of one record in the Shift Pattern Import CSV data file:
This text is an example with Team and Activity included in the Shift Pattern Import CSV data file:
REPORT-01,20241031,,ALL DAYS,ALL DAYS DESC 1,19000101,,TSSHIFTGROUP,,,,,,FLAGS,,1~1,0800~1700,"1000,1030,BRK,REG,30",ACT_NAME=REPORT ACT 1,2~1,0800~1700,,,3~1,OFF,,,4~1,OFF,,,5~1,0800~1700,"1000,1030,BRK,REG,30",WBT_NAME=REPORT STORE,6~1,0800~1700,"1000,1030,BRK,REG,30",JOB_NAME=REPORT Job 1,7~1,0800~1700,"1000,1030,BRK,REG,30",JOB_NAME=REPORT Job 1
This text is an example of importing more than 22 shifts per Shift Pattern. Split the shifts into rows with each row having 13 shifts (or less). Use the * in column 15/O.
,,,Parham Shift
,,,Parham Shift