Skills and Training field specifications

This table lists the field-column specifications of the Skills and Training Import Interface. Fields with the asterisk symbol (*) are required.

Col. Field Name Type Size Description
1 TYPE* Varchar2 2

Two-character field for type of import:

  • JS for JOB_SKILL
2 JOB_NAME Varchar2 40 Name of the Job being added, updated, or deleted.
3 COURSE_NAME Varchar2 40 Name of the Course being added, updated, or deleted.
4 SKILL_NAME Varchar2 40 Name of the Skill being added, updated, or deleted.
5 SKILL_TYPE Varchar2 40 Name of the Skill Type for the Skill given in previous parameter.
6 EMPLOYEE_NAME* Varchar2 40 Emp_Name field from the Employee table for whom the changes are being added.
7 SKILL_START_DATE Date yyyyMMdd Skill Start date.
8 SKILL_END_DATE Date yyyyMMdd Skill End date.
9 SKILL_WEIGHT Number 10 Skill Weight date. Defaults to 0.
10 FLAGS Varchar2 5 Five-character field for five general purpose flags.
11 UDF1 Varchar2 1 One-character User Defined Field.
12 UDF2 Varchar2 1 One-character User Defined Field.
13 UDF3 Varchar2 1 One-character User Defined Field.
14 UDF4 Varchar2 1 One-character User Defined Field.
15 UDF5 Varchar2 1 One-character User Defined Field.
16 OPERATION Varchar2 1

One-character field to identify the type of operation:

  • Blank for Add and Modify
  • D for Delete