Location Copy import field specifications

This table lists the field-column specifications in the Location Copy import interface. Fields with the asterisk (*) symbol are required.

Col. Import Interface Field Name Field Name Type Size/Format Description
1/A Existing location Name EXIST_SKDGRP_NAME* Varchar2 40

Specifies the existing location which to be copied by the application.

This filed is not in any maintenance form and it should be recognized by the import interface.

2/B Location Name SKDGRP_NAME* Varchar2 40 The name of the new copy location.
3/C Parent Location Name SKDGRP_PARENT_NAME* Varchar2 40 The existing parent location.
4/D Include Sublocations INCLUDE_SUB_LOCATIONS* Char 1 Indicates whether the child locations (sub-locations) and their associated teams should be created by performing a copy operation on the existing location.
Note: The default value for this field is N.
5/E New External ID/Team Prefix LOCCOPY_NEWPREFIX* Varchar2 40 Specifies prefix to be used for naming the new copies of teams and locations. This prefix is applied to the newly created sub-locations and teams resulting from the copying process. It is used consistently across all hierarchies within the location structure.
6/F External ID/Team Prefix to Replace: LOCCOPY_OLDPREFIX Varchar2 40 Specifies the external ID of the location copy.
7/G Copy Distributions COPY_DISTRIBUTIONS* Char 1 For each new location created through the location copy process, a new distribution can be generated by copying the existing distribution of that specific location.
Note: The default value for this field is N.
8/H Copy Historical Data: COPY_HISTORICAL_DATA* Char 1 For each new location created through the location copy process, a new historical data can be generated by copying the existing historical of that specific location.
Note:  The default value for this field is N.