Important notes about setting parameters
File directories
Before setting up the interface tasks, the system administrator must create directories for the import, export, log, and archive files. When a network share is used, the locations for imported and exported files are the paths that are used by the external system. We recommend that you specify the same log folder for all tasks.
The directory path that is created by the system administrator must include the names of the client and clock server (for example, ...../xml/out/CLIENT4/CLKSVR5).
When the locations of files are specified for each task in the Job Scheduler, the portion of the paths that define client and server must not be specified, as these are inserted automatically by the tasks. The paths that are specified in the task set up are modified to contain the client and server names.
The import and export directories should be sub-folders (siblings) of a separate directory so that the same task archives both import and export directories (in the archive task, parameters specify the parent directory and an option to include subdirectories).
External system requirements
The Export Directives task field mapping parameters must be carefully set up according to the requirements of the external system. See Clock XML directives - field mapping.