Default Labor Allocation

An employee's default labor allocation, as of the export date, is exported using this format:

{percentage}~{docket}~{hour type}~{job}~{time code}~{project}~{department}

where this table lists the specifications for the required fields:

EMP_DEF_LAB Input Value Application Field Name Type Size/Format Description
{percentage} Edla_Percentage Number 22 Percentage value. The percentage of total hours in a shift that is allocated for the job code.
{docket} Dock_Name Varchar2 40 Default docket
{hour type} Htype_Name Varchar2 40 Default hour type
{job} Job_Name Varchar2 40 Default job
{time code} Tcode_Name Varchar2 40 Default time code
{project} Proj_Name Varchar2 40 Default project
{department} Dept_Name Varchar2 40 Default department

For example: