Infor GHR
As part of the Infor HR Talent Payroll integration, an Infor GHR Payroll Export Task has been provided. This task offers a starting point for mapping the WFM Payroll Export to Infor HR Talent.
Some field specific information:
- For EMP_NAME, the assumption is made that Infor HR Talent is the system of record for employee data. The system of record provides WFM with a unique EMP_NAME by having the first four positions as COMPANY and the next nine positions as EMPLOYEE. As part of this Payroll Export Task, the system then extracts the COMPANY and EMPLOYEE data into separate entities from EMP_NAME based on that assumption.
- Given the flexibility of both systems, mappings between time codes and pay codes must be specified in the XML before the interface can be used.
- For EMPJOB_WORKASSIGNMENT, the value is the EMPJOB_WORKASSIGNMENT value of the employee job assignment record identified by the job effective on the WRKD_WORK_DATE of the employee. If the value is null/empty, then the value is set to 1 by default.
- For any labor metrics (JOB_NAME, PROJ_NAME, DOCK_NAME, or DEPT_NAME), the value is exported as null/empty if the value is 0.
This table shows the field mapping details between WFM and Infor HR Talent:
Col | WFM Field | HR Talent CSV Field | HR Talent Type | Notes |
A | UNIQUE_ID | UniqueID | Value can be blank | |
B | EMP_NAME, positions 1-4. | HROrganization | AlphaUpper4 | Required |
C | EMP_NAME, positions 5-13. | Employee | Numeric13 | Required |
D | TCODE_NAME | PayCode | AlphaUpper20 | Required. Client mapping is needed between time codes and pay codes. |
E | WRKD_MINUTES | Hours | Decimal7.2 | Required if paying hours. Convert to hours format. |
F | WRKD_RATE | Amount | Decimal18.3 | Required if paying an amount |
G | WRKD_WORK_DATE | TimeRecordDate | Date | Optional |
H | EMPJOB_WORKASSIGNMENT | WorkAssignment | Numeric4 | Required to locate work assignment |
I | BATCH_NBR | BatchNumber | Numeric9 | Required. Value can be blank; header must exist. Infor HR Talent can do auto-batch numbering. |
Sample XML
<payroll_export plugin="">
<field name='EMP_NAME'/>
<field name='TCODE_NAME'/>
<field name='WRKD_MINUTES'/>
<field name='WRKD_RATE'/>
<field name='WRKD_WORK_DATE'/>
<field name='JOB_NAME'/>
<field name='DEPT_NAME'/>
<field name='PROJ_NAME'/>
<field name='DOCK_NAME'/>
<dummy_field name='COMPANY'/>
<dummy_field name='BATCH_NBR'/>
<dummy_field name='UNIQUE_ID'/>
<dummy_field name='EMPLOYEE'/>
<dummy_field name='PAY_CODE'/>
<dummy_field name='JOB_CODE'/>
<dummy_field name='POSITION'/>
<dummy_field name='EMPJOB_WORKASSIGNMENT'/>
<output_row />
<string field='UNIQUE_ID' />
<string field='COMPANY' />
<string field='EMPLOYEE' />
<string field='PAY_CODE'/>
<number field='WRKD_MINUTES' format='########0.00' divide='60' null='***'/>
<number field='WRKD_RATE' format='#0.000' null='***'/>
<datetime field='WRKD_WORK_DATE' format='yyyyMMdd'/>
<string field='EMPJOB_WORKASSIGNMENT' />
<string field='BATCH_NBR' />