CSV format for Default Shifts Import

This table describes the required format of the CSV file for the Default Shifts Import Interface.

Field Name Type Format Description
EMP_NAME Varchar2 40 characters Name of the employee for whom the default shift is defined.
EMP_TEAM Varchar2 40 characters Team assignment for the default shift. The team assignments must already exist for the specified employee.
EMP_JOB Varchar2 40 characters Job assignment for the default shift. The job assignments must already exist for the specified employee.
SHIFT_LABEL Varchar2 40 characters Label of a shift definition in MVS.
START_DATE MM/DD/YYYY Specify the effective date of the default shift.
END_DATE MM/DD/YYYY Specify the date the default shift is no longer effective.
ACTION Varchar2 40 characters Specify ADD to add a default shift, or specify DELETE to delete an existing default shift.