Grouping data by field

This topic provides examples of how to use the group_function attribute within a field tag to group data. These grouping methods are supported for fields: sum, first, and last. The default method is first.

Example 1: Print sum of WRKD_MINUTES for each employee

In this example, the sum of WRKD_MINUTES is printed for each employee.

This is the full XML definition:

<payroll_export plugin=""> 

    <field name='emp_name' group='true'/>
    <field name='wrkd_minutes' group_function='sum'/>
    <field name='tcode_name'/>
    <field name='htype_name'/>
    <field name='wrks_authorized'/>
    <field name='retro'/>
    <dummy_field name='earn_code'/>

      <match field="wrks_authorized" value="Y" />
      <match field="tcode_name" value="%" />
      <match field="htype_name" value="REG" />
        <map field="earn_code" value="1"  />
      </output_row >

      <match field="wrks_authorized" value="Y" />
      <match field="tcode_name" value="%" />
      <match field="htype_name" value="OT1.0" />
        <map field="earn_code" value="4"  />
      <match field="wrks_authorized" value="Y" />
      <match field="tcode_name" value="%" />
      <match field="htype_name" value="OT1.5" />
        <map field="earn_code" value="2"  />

      <match field="wrks_authorized" value="Y" />
      <match field="tcode_name" value="%" />
      <match field="htype_name" value="OT2.0" />
        <map field="earn_code" value="5"  />
      </output_row >

      <match field="tcode_name" value="UAT" />
      <match field="htype_name" value="UNPAID" />

        <map field="earn_code" value="E" />

      <string field='emp_name' />
      <string field='earn_code'/>
      <number field='wrkd_minutes' format='########0.00' divide='60' null='***'/>
      <string field='retro' />


This table shows a sample of the Payroll Export file output:

emp_name earn_code wrkd_minutes retro
2102 1 40.00 N
2104 1 40.00 N
3125 1 56.00 N

Example 2: Print last value of WRKD_MINUTES for each employee

In this example, the last value of WRKD_MINUTES is printed for each employee.

The same XML definition is used as in Example 1, except the grouping method is last:

<field name='wrkd_minutes' group_function='last'/>

This table shows a sample of the Payroll Export file output:

emp_name earn_code wrkd_minutes retro
5210 1 2.00 Y
5211 1 10.00 Y