Mandatory fields

There are three pieces of employee information that are mandatory:

  1. Ovr_Start_Date: The first date, from which a change to the employee record is active.
  2. Ovr_End_Date: The date when a change to the employee record ceases to be active.
  3. Emp_Name: The employee's name.

These fields must always be the first three data elements in the order of all data elements for each employee record. These mandatory fields are automatically specified when a new layout is created and should not be deleted from an existing layout.

Ovr_Start_Date and Ovr_End_Date

The effective start date (Ovr_Start_Date) must be in column 1 and the effective end date (Ovr_End_Date) must be in column 2.

If the import value for Ovr_Start_Date is empty, the default is the current system date. If the import value for Ovr_End_Date is empty, the default is 01/01/3000.


The employee name (Emp_Name) must be in column 3.

The employee name must be provided. If Emp_Name is left empty, the Employee Import process does not proceed and an error is logged.