Clock Transaction Import Interface field specification

This table lists the field-column specifications of the Clock Transaction Import Interface. Fields with the asterisk symbol (*) are required.

Col. Field Name Type Size/Format Nullable Description
1 Employee * Varchar2 40 No Identifies the employee using EMP_NAME or EMP_BADGE.
2 Identifier Type * Char 1 No Identifies if the employee information is the emp_name or emp_badge:
  • B - Badge
  • N - Employee Name
3 Swipe Status Char 1 No Status of the swipe:
  • A - Accepted
  • R - Rejected
4 Transaction Type * Varchar2 40 No Specifies clocking types such as swipe type or clock preset.
5 Transaction Time * Date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ



No Specifies the time of the transaction. Can be a UTC timestamp or local time.
6 Timezone * Varchar2 100 Yes Specifies the timezone where the transaction time was captured.

If the timezone is missing, then it must be picked up from the employee record.

If the employee record does not have a timezone, then this record is rejected with an error message saying the timezone provided is invalid.

7 Reader Name * Varchar2 40 Yes Specifies the name of the reader that the clock punch is coming from.
8 Reader IP Varchar2 40 Yes Specifies the IP address that is associated with the reader.
9 Department Varchar2 40 Yes Specifies the department.
10 Job Varchar2 40 Yes Specifies the job.
11 Docket Varchar2 40 Yes Specifies the docket.
Project Varchar2 40 Yes Specifies the project.
Timecode Varchar2 40 Yes Specifies the timecode.
Docket Time Varchar2 10 Yes Specifies number of minutes worked.
Docket Quantity Varchar2 10 Yes Specifies docket quantity in minutes.
Extra Data Varchar2 1000 Yes Extra data such as timzone , DST.
CTPJ_LAT Number 15 Yes Specifies the latitude.
CTPJ_LNG Number 15 Yes Specifies the longitude.
Reason Varchar2 1000 Yes Specifies the reason a transaction may be rejected before being imported into WFM.