Calc Group Rate field specifications
This table lists the field-column specifications in the Calc Group Rate import interface. Fields with the asterisk (*) symbol are required.
Col. | Field Name | Type | Size/Format | Description |
1 | CGR_NAME* | Varchar2 | 40 | The name for the calculation group rate setting. |
2 | CALCGRP_ID* | Number | 22 | The calculation group to which the rate definition applies. |
3 | CGR_PRIORITY* | Number | 22 | The order in which the conditions are evaluated. Lower numbers are evaluated first. |
4 | CGR_EFFECTIVE_DATE* | Date | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | The effective start date. Note: The default for a blank
value is the current date.
5 | CGR_RATE_TYPE* | Varchar2 | 40 | Can be one of these values: