Relief Calling Area
The Relief Calling Area (RCA) is accessed when selecting relief shifts from the Relief Queue or ASV to offer to employees. The pool of employees that the shifts can be offered to is determined by selecting employee call lists or by selecting employees using criteria such as teams, jobs, skills, and employee types.
The user experience in the RCA depends on the number of relief shifts being offered and the number of employees loaded in the employee pool. The number of employees in the employee pool typically determines the user experience, since it generally exceeds the number of relief shifts being offered. Customers can expect a reasonable user experience when loading an employee pool up to 150 employees when offering up to 5 shifts. Loading more employees may degrade the performance when using the RCA.
The RCA can be configured to limit the number of employees that can be displayed simultaneously in the employee pool. For example, the RCA_NUMOF_RECORDS_PERPAGE registry parameter can be set to 50 to divide large employee pools into pages that each contain 50 employees. Customers can configure this registry parameter to balance between requiring users to navigate between pages of employees and the optimal user experience.