Restricting personal data in Workforce Management
An individual has the right to restrict usage of their data to specified purposes. If Workforce Management is not the system of record, then the data controller should restrict the data from being transferred to the application through the import. If the data of a blocked data subject is sent to the application through the import, then it will be processed and data could be modified.
If Workforce Management is the system of record, the employee status can be set to Inactive. This will restrict the data processing of the data subject. The employee status can be set on the
page. For more information on how to set an employee to Inactive, see Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.If Workforce Management is not the system of record, this employee status value should be set in the system of record and the data transferred over via import. The data subject will no longer be able to log in to the application if they had access. The data subject will no longer appear in reports or be scheduled.