Dashboard reports

This table shows the reports that can only be accessed through the dashboard screens:

Report name Dashboard Description
Absence Report Employee Shows the total time the employee has recorded as absent, such as sick and vacation days, for the specified time period.
Adjustment Payroll Shows payroll adjustments that were performed on an employee’s record.
Attendance Team, Payroll Shows supervisors at the start of the shift which employees in the team have not clocked on.
Balance Employee Shows an employee’s balances, such as sick and vacation days, that are available for the specified time period.
Exception Team, Payroll Shows team members with specific time codes, specified as irregular by system administrators, on their timesheets.
Exception - Notify Team, Payroll Shows employees with exception time codes, and notifies the supervisor of the exception when the report is run. The message contains a link to the employee’s timesheet with the exception time code. Time codes can be defined as exceptions through the Time Codes screen under Payroll Settings.

See Defining irregular time codes.

Exception - Unauthorized Team , Payroll The Exception: Unauthorized report shows employees with unauthorized exception time codes (for example, an employee clock exception that has not been authorized by a supervisor). The employee name, work date, and the time code are also displayed on the report.

A link (Details) to the employee’s timesheet for that day is also displayed. If the employee does not have a timesheet, WFM redirects you to the page in which you define the employee's default timesheet. Once this is defined, you will be sent directly to the timesheet the next time you click the Details link.

Time codes can be defined as exceptions through the Irregular Codes field of the Time Codes screen under Payroll Settings.

See "Payroll Settings" in the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

OT Report Employee, Team, Payroll Shows total overtime hours that were recorded over the specified time period.
Scheduled Absences Employee, Team The Scheduled Absences report shows employees’ LTA override records for a specified time period, and the start and end time that the absence occurred in. If employees are scheduled to be off as part of a shift cycle, their absence will not be displayed in the Scheduled Absences report. If employees are SICK, their absence will be displayed in the report.
Team Summary by Day Team The Team Summary by Day report groups work detail information by day. The report shows hour types that employees worked, such as overtime (OT), regular (REG), or paid absence (PAIDABS). The hours are totaled at the bottom of the report. In addition, the report shows the start and end times of the employee’s scheduled shift. Click Show Unauthorized to display only unauthorized work detail records. The button toggles to Show All.
Note: Before you run this report, it must be configured in the Workforce Management registry, using the same parameters as Team Summary by Employee.
Team Summary by Emp Team The Team Summary by Employee report groups work detail information by employee. The report shows hour types that employees worked, such as overtime (OT), regular (REG), or paid absence (PAIDABS). The hours are totaled at the bottom of the report. In addition, the report shows the start and end times of the employee’s scheduled shift. Click Show Unauthorized to display only unauthorized work detail records. The button toggles to Show All.
Note: Before you run this report, it must be configured in the Workforce Management registry, using these parameters:

See the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide.

YAG - Absences Employee Shows any absent time code the employee has recorded for the year.
YAG - Overtime Employee Shows any overtime hour type the employee has recorded for the year.
YAG - Schedule Employee Shows every day the employee worked during the year and what shift was worked on each day.