Configuring the employee information card

The employee information card lets users quickly retrieve employee-related information on the timesheet without having to navigate to another part of the application. This information is displayed when the user hovers over the icon beside the employee's name of the timesheet.

The employee information card includes the employee identifier, status, pay group, and calculation group. Based on your system configuration, other information may be displayed.

Note: The fields configured in the employee information card on the Daily Timesheet are also displayed on the employee information card in the Supervisor Approval Worksheet, Weekly Timesheet, and LFSO.
  1. Select Timesheet.
  2. Click the Turn ON config mode icon.
  3. Select any employee’s timesheet using the Timesheet Selection page, and click Load.
  4. Beside the employee name, above the employee icon, click the localization (orange diamond) icon for EMPLOYEE_CARD.
    The Field Localization window is displayed for the EMPLOYEE_CARD field.
  5. Edit the code in the Field Parameters text box as required.
    The showHistoryFields parameter is used to display fields from the employee override screen. Fields viewable to the user are included in the card regardless of whether the field contains data. For example:

    The showUDFs parameter is used to display employee user-defined fields. Only the UDF fields assigned to the employee are displayed. For example:


    The showJobs parameter is used to display information on the employee's jobs, for example:


    With this configuration, all of the employee's qualified jobs (effective dated) are displayed. To show only the employee's preferred job, add the showPreferredJobsOnly parameter too:

    Note: The fields included on the employee information card respect element security, so that specific fields can be viewable or hidden for specific security groups.
  6. Click Save and close the window.
  7. Click the Turn OFF config mode icon.