Adding a tab to the Summary section

To add a tab to the Summary section, you must first add a popup. After you have defined your popup, you must use config mode to add the tab to the Daily Timesheet.

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Popups.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the popup.
    Specify the query to return the information shown in the popup.
    Maintenance Form
    Specify Timesheet.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Under Popup Groups, add the security groups that will have access to the new tab.
  6. Open the Daily Timesheet and click Turn ON config mode.
  7. Open the field localization popup for the Summary section (the TS_SUMMARY_TABS field).
  8. Add your popup to the comma-separated list in the Field Parameters field.
    The Field Parameters field lists the popups that are used for the summary tabs. For example, this is the default list that defines the standard tabs:

    tabs='code_summary, code_detail, balance_changes, timesheet_edits, overtime_awarded, retroactive_adjustments, payment_summary'

    To add your popup to the list, use the name specified in the Name field for the popup.

  9. Configure localization, element security, and field UI for the tab and columns as needed.
  10. Click Turn ON config mode.