Disabling clock preview on hover

By default, when a user hovers over a clock, the clock's attributes are displayed read-only in a hover layer. For example, a time code clock has a time code value associated with it. Similarly, a docket clock may have a specific docket order number.

For editable clocks, you can disable the clock preview on hover.

  1. Select Timesheet.
  2. Click the Turn ON config mode icon.
  3. Select any employee’s timesheet and click Load.
  4. Click the localization (orange diamond) icon next to the Clocks field in the header.
    The Field Localization window is displayed for the WRKS_CLOCKS field.
  5. In the Field Parameters text box, set the previewClocks parameter to false:
  6. Click Save and close the window.
  7. Click the Turn OFF config mode icon.
Users must click on a clock to view its attributes.
Note: Clicking on the clock puts the user at risk of inadvertently editing the clock.