Adding additional clock entries

You can use the ON and OFF clocks to record clock on and off times This accommodates an employee clocking on at the start of the day, clocking off at the start of lunch, clocking on again at the end of lunch, and clocking off at the end of the day.

You can also record non-ON/OFF clocks to capture labor-related information such as department or project changes.

  1. Click the plus icon in the Clocks column for a day in the timesheet.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the time of the clock. For example, 9:00a or 5:00p.
    Select the clock preset. The default value is determined by the default clock sequence that is defined.

    See Defining a default clock sequence.

    If the clock preset contains associated data, the Data field is populated automatically.

    See Creating clock presets.

    Optionally, change the date of the clock.
    Optionally, specify the clock data string. For example, TCODE=BRK. If the field already contains a data string, you can modify or remove it.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Click Submit.