Custom condition code example
The code for the custom rule in this example is not formatted and does not contain syntax highlighting as would be the case with your preferred code editor. You may need to copy this code into your preferred code editor and then format.
The code examples in this document are valid examples that will work in WFM as is. However, they are just examples and will need to be modified to suit your business requirements.
Custom condition code example:
import com.workbrain2.platform.publ.api.exceptions.ScriptExecutionException
import com.workbrain2.ta.publ.api.rules.ConditionScriptable
import com.workbrain2.ta.publ.api.rules.RCContext
import com.workbrain2.ta.publ.api.domain.rules.RCParameters
import com.workbrain2.ta.publ.api.rules.ParameterInfo
* Checks whether the current month is one of the given months
class CustomIsSpecificMonthCondition extends ConditionScriptable {
public final String PARAM_MONTHS_OF_YEAR = "MonthsOfYear"
public final String PARAM_INCLUSIVE = "Inclusive"
public final String MONTH_ERR_MSG = "Months must be subset of (JAN, " +
ParameterInfo getParameterInfo() {
ParameterInfo parameterInfo = new ParameterInfo()
parameterInfo.addParameter(PARAM_MONTHS_OF_YEAR, ParameterInfo.STRING_TYPE, false)
parameterInfo.addParameter(PARAM_INCLUSIVE, ParameterInfo.STRING_TYPE)
return parameterInfo
boolean evaluate(final RCContext context, final RCParameters parameters) throws Exception {
String monthsYear = parameters.getParameter(PARAM_MONTHS_OF_YEAR)
boolean inclusive = ParameterInfo.CHOICE_YES.equalsIgnoreCase(parameters.getParameter("Inclusive"))
if (!monthsYear) {
throw new ScriptExecutionException (MONTH_ERR_MSG)
List<String> months = (monthsYear ?: "").split(",")*.trim()
List<Integer> monthsCal = new ArrayList<>()
for (String month : months) {
Calendar workDate = Calendar.getInstance()
boolean res = monthsCal.contains(workDate.get(Calendar.MONTH)) == inclusive
return res
boolean validateParameters(RCParameters parameters, Map<String, String> errorMessages) throws AccessException {
String monthsOfYear = parameters.getParameter(PARAM_MONTHS_OF_YEAR)
if (!monthsOfYear) {
errorMessages.put(PARAM_MONTHS_OF_YEAR, localizationService.localizeText("VALUE_IS_REQUIRED",
"Value is required."))
} else {
try {
List<String> months = (monthsOfYear ?: "").split(",")*.trim()
for (int i = 0; i < months.size(); i++) {
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
errorMessages.put(PARAM_MONTHS_OF_YEAR, localizationService.localizeText("INVALID_MONTHS", e.getMessage()))
return errorMessages.size() == 0
* Returns the int value for month of the yeat.
*@param month String representing a month
*@return month of year as in Calendar class
public int getCalendarMonth(String month){
month = month.toUpperCase()
if (month.indexOf("JAN") == 0 ) {
return Calendar.JANUARY
} else if (month.indexOf("FEB") == 0) {
return Calendar.FEBRUARY
} else if (month.indexOf("MAR") == 0) {
return Calendar.MARCH
} else if (month.indexOf("APR") == 0) {
return Calendar.APRIL
} else if (month.indexOf("MAY") == 0) {
return Calendar.MAY
} else if (month.indexOf("JUN") == 0) {
return Calendar.JUNE
} else if (month.indexOf("JUL") == 0) {
return Calendar.JULY
} else if (month.indexOf("AUG") == 0) {
return Calendar.AUGUST
} else if (month.indexOf("SEP") == 0) {
return Calendar.SEPTEMBER
} else if (month.indexOf("OCT") == 0) {
return Calendar.OCTOBER
} else if (month.indexOf("NOV") == 0) {
return Calendar.NOVEMBER
} else if (month.indexOf("DEC") == 0) {
return Calendar.DECEMBER
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MONTH_ERR_MSG)