Registering a device (cloud only)

TimeTrack can only be accessed on devices that are registered in WFM. Before using Timetrack on a supported device, you are required to register your device by logging in to WFM and completing the registration process. The registration process places two cookies on the registered device to permit the device to connect and send information to WFM when using TimeTrack.

  1. Log in to WFM with your supported device
  2. Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > TimeTrack > TimeTrack Device Registration.
    Note: You may receive a message at this point that your device is already registered. If this is the case, then there is no requirement to continue with this procedure.
  3. Search for the reader name and description of your device in the Available Devices list that displays this information:
    Reader name of the device.
    Reader description of the device.
  4. Select the reader name for the device to register and then click Register.

    If registration is successful, then a message is displayed that registration is complete and successful

    You can now access the TimeTrack clock at the appropriate URL if all the other steps for registration are complete.

    You can also view the enabled device registration in Maintenance > Reader Setup > TimeTrack > TimeTrack Devices.