Android Kiosk mode configuration for Firefox and Chrome browsers
Note: This procedure is valid and was tested for Firefox & Chrome
Browsers on Android 8.1.0 & Android 5.0.2. For more detailed information on
guided access mode, refer to your Android documentation.
This procedure requires a PIN which you should record for future use.
To configure Kiosk mode:
- Set up the browser home page as required and bookmark the WFM URL and the TimeTrack clock URL.
- Select
- Enable screen pinning and enable .
- Open your Firefox or Chrome browser and tap the square button. The button lists all of your active or opened apps.
- Locate the push pin icon within the browser window and press it.
- Now the chosen browser is locked in as the only app that runs. The address bar is available to switch between WFM and TimeTrack.
Some additional notes:
- To exit you press the recents + back buttons.
- You are prompted for a PIN when exiting Kiosk mode.