ON clock punches

The ON clock type indicates when an employee starts to work. For example, the employee may punch in at the start of the workday or when returning from a break.

Processing of ON clock punches is affected by these values:

  • These registry parameters under system/WORKBRAIN_PARAMETERS:
  • CONSIDER_WORK_SUMMARY_OVERRIDES registry parameter under system/clockprocessing
  • Day Start Time field for the employee (Maintenance > Employees > Employee Basic Information - Override)
  • Snap Clock Threshold (minutes) field for the employee's calculation group (Maintenance > Payroll Settings > Calc Group)

When an ON clock is processed, the application first checks it against the MAX_OFF_TIME registry parameter. The value of MAX_OFF_TIME is added to the last clock found and compared to the ON clock punch. This occurs when the clock punch matches the types that are listed in the CLOCK_TYPES_FOR_MAX_OFF_TIME registry parameter. If the ON clock punch is less than or equal to the sum of the last clock and the MAX_OFF_TIME, then the ON punch is placed on the same work summary as the previous clock.

If the MAX_OFF_TIME is set to its default value of -1, or if the ON clock punch is more than the sum of the previous clock and the MAX_OFF_TIME, then the adjusted ON clock punch is compared against the value in the Day Start Time field for the employee. The adjusted time is the sum of the ON clock punch time with the ON_CLK_ADJ_MIN value.

For example, if the employee's start time is between 12:00 and 23:59, and the adjusted clock occurs on or after the start time, then the clock is allocated to the next day. If the employee's start time is between 00:00 and 11:59, and the adjusted clock is before the start time, then the clock is allocated to the previous day. If the clock does not satisfy either condition, it is allocated to the day of the clock punch.

Note: If the CONSIDER_WORK_SUMMARY_OVERRIDES registry parameter is set to true, then manual clocks generated as a result of work summary overrides are also considered when determining the employee's most recent clock.

Snap clock threshold

The Snap Clock Threshold (minutes) setting for an employee's calculation group can be used to move the date of ON clock punches to the start date of a scheduled shift.

For example, an employee who is scheduled from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM clocks in at 2:00 AM. If the snap clock threshold is set to 0, then the current date is used for the ON punch. If the snap clock threshold is greater than 0, then the ON punch is snapped to the previous date, which is the start date of the scheduled shift.

The snap clock threshold can also change the date of ON punches that are recorded outside of a scheduled shift. If the value is 0, then any ON punch outside of a scheduled shift is allocated to the date on which it is made.

If you specify a value greater than 0, then an ON punch outside of a scheduled shift can be moved to the previous day if it is close enough to the end of the previous shift. The system first calculates the difference between the time of the clock punch and the end of the previous shift. If the difference is below the number of minutes specified for the threshold, then the clock is allocated to the start date of the previous shift.